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ปรับปรุง : 7/03/2018
Online User Last 1 hour (0 users)

  Public Hearing on the protection and enforcement of IPR in third countries
  26 พฤษภาคม 2554 ดาวน์โหลดเอกสารฉบับเต็มที่นี่

    The European Commission is launching a public hearing on the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in third countries. The results of this public hearing will be taken into account by the Directorate General for Trade in reviewing the Strategy for the enforcement of IP rights in third countries.

    Objective of the hearing
    In 2004, the Commission adopted a strategy for the enforcement of IP rights in third countries This strategy is currently being reviewed, on the basis of a recent study and other sources of input, including a public consultation (which will complement the broader one conducted in 2010 regarding the EU trade policy). This review should result in the adoption of a new Commission Communication by the end of 2011.