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ปรับปรุง : 7/03/2018
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  Gilead Licenses AIDS Drug to Medicines Patent Pool
  12 กรกฎาคม 2554

Date: 12 July 2011
Source: Pharmalot

In a groundbreaking move, Gilead Sciences has agreed to license four AIDS medicines to the Medicines Patent Pool, which is an initiative designed to streamline patent licensing for producing generics of patented HIV meds and lower prices in poor countries. The deal marks the first time that a drugmaker has taken this step and follows more than a year of criticism from patient advocacy groups and non-government organizations of the pharmaceutical industry for failing to embrace the MPP concept.

The licensing agreement between Gilead and MPP is also significant because it involves two AIDS meds, Viread and Emtriva, that are important in treating the virus. To date, most poor countries only have access to older, less effective treatments. The deal also includes two more Gilead drugs that are under development, cobicistat and elvitegravir, along with a combination of all four meds known as the Quad. Viread, by the way, is also licensed for use in treating hepatitis B.

“Today marks a milestone in managing patents for public health. The license agreement with Gilead Sciences will help make medicines available at a lower-cost and in easier to use formulations without delays,” MPP executive director Ellen `t Hoen says in a statement. “People in developing countries often have to wait for years before they can access new health technologies. Today`s agreement changed that.”

Not everyone was as laudatory, though. Medicines Sans Frontieres, also known as Doctors Without Borders, praised the agreement as a welcome step forward, but cautioned that certain terms are lacking, such as limits placed on access to people living in middle-income countries. The group complains there are limits on “price-busting competition” by confining manufacturing to India and there are narrow supply options for active pharmaceutical ingredients needed to make the drugs (here is the license agreement and the sublicensee agreement.)

“This agreement is an improvement over what other big pharma companies are doing to ensure access to their patented AIDS medicines in developing countries,” Michelle Childs, Policy and Advocacy Director at MSF`s Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines says in a statement. “But some caution is needed because in several key areas, Gilead is not going beyond the status quo. More needs to be done to fulfil the vision of the Patent Pool to provide a solution to all people living with HIV, so this licence should not become the template for future agreements…If voluntary measures like the Patent Pool are unable to ensure people access to the medicines they need, countries that are left out will need to aggressively pursue non-voluntary paths like compulsory licenses.”

The deal comes three years after the MPP was launched by UNITAID with an eye toward convincing multi-national drugmakers to license their AIDS meds, which would, in turn be licensed to select generic makers that would pay inventors a small royalty and sell copycats only in certain developing countries. The goal is to lower prices substantially, although inventors would still get some revenue (read here).

“UNITAID has worked for four years to develop the Medicines Patent Pool concept. Today, we are proud to see that it is becoming a tangible reality,” UNITAID executive board chair Philippe Douste-Blazy says. “I salute this first important step by Gilead and urge other pharmaceutical companies to place their intellectual property at the service of global public health.”

The initiative gained needed steam when the National Institutes of Health in October 2010 joined the MPP by agreeing to license a patent stemming from research undertaken by the National Cancer Institute and the University of Illinois at Chicago (see this). However, none of the brand-name drugmakers had similarly agreed to a licensing deal, prompting mounting criticism and protests.

In late 2010 letters were sent to senior executives at large drugmakers (look here) imploring them to enter or accelerate nascent negotiations to license meds to the MPP. Activists, meanwhile, camped outside Johnson & Johnson offices after the healthcare giant struck its own deal with several generic drugmakers, causing critics to call the move an end run around the MPP (see here, here and here).

Gilead, however, was among the first drugmakers to enter talks and some say its deals may add pressure on other drugmakers. “The pool has widened the door for generic competition and lower prices for AIDS drugs in developing countries,” writes Jamie Love of Knowledge Ecology International, a non-profit advocacy group that focuses on intellectual property issues that affect access to medications. “Gilead is the first, and should not be the last, to recognize the importance of embracing the pool to formally share its technology to address this public health crisis. The licenses are not perfect, and there will be justifiable criticism of the geographic scope and several of the terms in the agreement. That said, the agreement seems to be an important step forward.”

Adds Diarmaid McDonald, coordinator of the Stop AIDS Campaign: “This deal is very welcome but it excludes countries with serious poverty and HIV epidemics like Brazil and China. This deal is a floor, not a ceiling, and we now need to see all other companies reach agreement which exceed these terms. Alongside this, countries which have been excluded must utilise their legal right to issue compulsory licences to get the drugs their people need.”

The terms will preserve the ability of generic drugmakers to supply countries if those governments issue compulsory licenses, as well as waive data exclusivity rights where they exist, according to the MPP, which vows to promote “transparency in licensing practices” and, toward that end, will publish licenses on its website.

The licenses will allow Viread and Emtriva to be supplied in 111 countries, while cobicistat will be available in 102 countries, elvitegravir and the Quad will be supplied to 99 countries. However, the licenses do not include all developing countries. Royalties, by the way, will range from 3 percent to 5 percent of generic sales, with royalties waived for any new pediatric formulations.

“We believe the pool is an innovative mechanism to increase access to patented medicines in a way that works for the pharmaceutical industry and people living with HIV,” Gilead exec vp Gregg Alton says in the statement. “And we hope to see the pool become an effective mechanism for providing access to an increasingly broader range of antiretrovirals to treat HIV in resource-limited parts of the world.”


Keywords: Gilead / Patent Pool / AIDS Drugs