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ปรับปรุง : 7/03/2018
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  [e-drug] Indian government to crack down on industry-doctor nexus (2)
  06 มกราคม 2556

Date: 6 January 2013

From: "Chandrasekar Kalyanram" <>
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2013 17:46:08 -0800 (PST)


It is laudable that some efforts are made at least on paper to break the malpractices relating to prescription of medicine brands. How much these  will be  translated into reality, and the mechanism to supervise or regulate does not seem to be clear at this stage, given the history of corruption, black money, changes in policies due to change in governments, lobbying, etc.

If the  authorities are really interested in promoting generic drugs and thereby avoiding irrational use of drugs the role of  pharmacists in India  has to be completely overhauled, empowered, and redefined, right from the stage of education, licensing, practice, etc. through a fresh set of laws.  Unless this is done and a suitable and sustained regulatory bodies are set up nothing tangible is likely to happen at least in the near future.

CK Aiyer
Professor, Pharma management