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ปรับปรุง : 7/03/2018
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  JPA`s Yamamoto Calls for Deliberation on TPP after Clarification
  25 ตุลาคม 2554 ดาวน์โหลดเอกสารฉบับเต็มที่นี่

Date: 25 October 2011
Source: Pharma Japan Web

The Democratic Party of Japan`s project team for economic cooperation, which is currently considering Japan`s participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) talks, headed by former Trade Minister Yoshio Hachiro, met with medical associations on October 24 to hear the opinions on the TPP. The Japan Medical Association (JMA) expressed opposing views, and other associations gave opinions calling for a cautious approach. Noting that a conclusion on TPP participation had yet to be reached within his organization, Vice President Nobuo Yamamoto of the Japan Pharmaceutical Association (JPA) called for cautious steps in dealing with the issue, saying, “The reality (of TPP participation) is unclear to the public, as well as the country.” “Deliberation should be held after clarifying the facts,” he added.

While admitting that there might be a good point to the TPP in terms of eliminating the “drug lag,” Mr Yamamoto indicated that the concerns for the safety and assurance of drugs will remain as a result. “It is fine if there are guarantees that the current stable healthcare delivery system will not collapse, but as long as that is not possible, the JPA cannot help but express its concern,” he said.

At the hearing, the JMA opposed (TPP talks), while the Japan Dental Association expressed their concerns. The Japanese Nursing Association called for careful consideration.

Keywords: JPA`s Yamamoto / Deliberation / TPP